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Feb 03, 2022
In General Discussions
Most marketers maintain a portfolio, which is a collection of their prior projects and marketing assets. Examining this material might offer you a sense of the candidate’s ability to generate high-quality work. Examining a marketing candidate’s portfolio may help you figure out their strengths and shortcomings, as well as what tools and applications they’ve used in the past and how broad their skill set is. 2. Marketing Theories It’s critical to understand how the applicant views marketing in their profession and how they would address unique marketing difficulties, whether you’re recruiting a graphic designer or a public relations manager. You may learn more about how the candidate uses marketing ideas in their work by digging further into why they made specific decisions while developing their content. 3. Skills Assessment It’s one thing to go over a candidate’s prior work for other firms and clients, but having the candidate conduct a skills assessment may offer you a whole new perspective on how they work. 4. Work Ethic Marketing candidates should be judged on their work ethic in addition to their talents and approach. Employers often don’t get a sense of a candidate’s work ethic until after they’ve been hired for the marketer job. 5. Time Management Marketers must be able to manage their time well since they frequently work on many projects at the same time and must meet rigorous deadlines. These 5 criteria for evaluating marketing candidates can help you determine whether you are the right aspirant in the marketing field. Make sure you have all these skills for marketing, and you will be the king at your dream marketing job.
Feb 03, 2022
In General Discussions
Mastering In-Demand Skills You’ll learn and master abilities in sales that you may use in every aspect of your professional life; skills that are transferable and relevant to whatever career you could embark on in the future. Sale is a career that requires a lot of soft skill development. People skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence quotients, among others, are a “combination of people skills, social skills, character or personality traits, communication skills, social intelligence and emotional intelligence quotients, career attributes, attitudes, among others, that enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve the desired goals.” Hence, you must improve these skills in order to succeed. It’s also why, according to a recent survey, 57 percent of top executives believe soft skills are more essential than hard talents.


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